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Surf Camp Oahu Hawaii

surfing lessons Oahu Hawaii
 Surf Lessons on Oahu in Hawaii
by admin | Aug 29, 2014 | best surf camp oahu, best surf lessons oahu
Surf Camp Oahu Hawaii

When you’re trying to find trusted information regarding surf lessons or oahu reviews then please visit our site and our recent postings. We’re experts on this niche and consider ourself to be one of several top companies in regards to surf lessons oahu.Tell us your opinion of our other blog posts and past stories and also go ahead and e mail us at any time. Hope you enjoy the information! Have you ever had an inkling to pick up surfing as a hobby? Or perhaps just try it once and put it on that list of yep, I’ve done that? Then the island of Oahu in Hawaii is the place to do that. Waikiki beach is an ok place for beginners to learn to surf but the north shore is extremely safe with the right surf instructors, and is a best kept secret. You may be picturing the lonely deserted beach pictured in the 1950’s Gidget or Elvis movies. But, I have to tell you that Waikiki beach has changed a lot since those days.

Waikiki beach is located in Honolulu. Picture a miniaturized New York City located in paradise complete with palm trees; because after all, Honolulu is a city. The beach is narrow and very crowded, and with good reasons… the waves. The waves are typically small and very long. You can ride them all the way into the beach with plenty of time for beginners to get used to the feel of the wave. The problem here is, there are soooo many people in the water at one time, that the over crowding becomes an extremely dangerous factor. On the north shore you can escape the hustle and bustle of the busy city waters. With the right surfing instructors, O`ahu’s north shore can offer an extremely serene, safe, and uncrowded surfing environment.

If you come to Hawaii to learn to surf, you should definitely bypass Waikiki and head straight to the north shore and find Oahu Surfing Experience. They got your top quality lessons covered. However, it is worth a trip to the North Shore just to see how the other half lives. It’s amazing to see world famous surfers riding the waves at Waimea Bay or at the pipeline. It looks like something out of the movies. The beaches are crowed with by standers and photographers. This probably comes as no surprise because the entire state is surrounded by water and the ocean is Hawaii’s main attraction.
Rip currents are one danger to Hawaiian visitors. They are fast flowing currents that can drag swimmers out into deeper parts of the ocean. If you get caught in a rip current, don’t fight the current. You should swim parallel to shore until you are out of the current, and then swim safely into shore. Undertows are another dangerous factor while visiting Hawaii. If you get caught in an undertow, (you will feel the wave pull you out to sea) just go with the flow of the wave until it passes. Then you should be able to swim out of it. Don’t let the beautiful waters fool you; they can be deadly if not taken seriously. Heed the warning, but try not to get discouraged. There are plenty of places in Hawaii for beginners to surf. If you do not get your fill while visiting the world famous Waikiki Beach, you may want to try one of the other islands. All of the other islands will have some beginner friendly waves to offer. Thanks for looking at our post and hopefully it was of helpful use to you. If not, we have many more enlightening and related posts in regards to women’s surf camp oahu. Our goal is always to provide quality and dependable posts and also to make sure each and everyone of our clientele is always getting one hundred per cent customer care. Remember to share with your social media friends and always feel free to give us a call anytime.
We at OahuSurfingExperience teach the most quality surfing lessons that surfing has to offer. If your a lady or a little girl and surfing doesn’t necessarily captivate you; we also offer a unique and exclusive mermaid model shoot that will absolutely intrigue the ladies and as well, give them memories that will last a life time. Keep in mind however, we absolutely are surfers at heart. So if we are not running a surf lesson or conducting a mermaid photo shoot,we more then likely will be out in the surf, tapping in to some valuable, “me time”. Because of this very reason, we strongly suggest that you book in advance with us, but it will be absolutely worth your commitment. Book now for your one of a kind opportunity and you will guaranteed walk away with skills and ocean safety knowledge that will last you a life time. Even when the waves are big we know of safe places to go.
808 497 7109 Email for the Best Surf Lessons on Oahu
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