If you weren’t born yesterday, you most likely have heard of mermaids… right? and I’m assuming you’re most definitely aware of the CBS hit series Hawaii Five 0? Hmmm? Well, goodness has finally collided and will be airing in the form of awesomeness.
Hawaii five O
Professional underwater photoshoot
Professional mermaid photoshoot
Professional mermaid photoshoot
Hawaii five O
Hawaii five O
family photo shoots
sunset mermaid photo shoot
underwater fun
best friend mermaid photo shoot
Professional mermaid shoot
kids party fun
mermaid photo shoots Oahu mermaid experience
EP916 “Hapai ke kuko,hana ka hews” guest starring the beautiful chelsea Gilson
I had a crazy Mermaid photo shoots Oahu mermaid experience a couple of weeks ago when I was called in to audition to be a mermaid on CBS Network’s hit television show, Hawaii five 0. What I thought was going to be a simple, ‘yeah we can use you’ or ‘no we can’t’, turned into a pretty grueling, fairly strenuous, mermaid boot-camp. We processed multi mermaid training and choreograph sessions above and under the water and we went through all this rigmarole in a pretty short amount of time. Pretty wild experience for just an audition. After they weeded out the non-swimming mermaids from the capable, someone in casting realized that I had closely resembled the main actress who was to be playing the lead mermaid in this up and coming episode on Hawaii 5 0. Fortunately for me, not only were they auditioning me to be one of the entourage mermaids in the scene but they were also hiring out one of my hand made, custom mermaid tails for the main actress to use. I had to help fit her and make sure she knew how to swim with the tail safely. This is when the casting director noticed I looked like the main actress, who in foresight, needed a stunt actress to double her in the scene. After some very intense training in a short amount of time, I was now ready to be her stunt double.
my hand made tail in action
The best part of this Hawaii 5 0 mermaid episode, after all is said and done, wardrobe & the director liked my originally designed tails so much, they utilized and are going to air over 10 of my custom hand made mermaid tails in this particular installment. These tails now used by Hollywood themselves are the very same tails I use for my mermaid photo shoots. It will bring me such joy to watch the fruits of my labor, my wonderful hand made creations being featured on such a prestigious show. All the painstaking and exhausting late nights finishing my master pieces and now to be hopefully immortalized on Network Television. mermaid photo shoots Oahu mermaid experience is one of the best things you can do in Hawaii while you are on vacation. They are memories that will last you a lifetime.
The crowns and accessories that will be worn and featured by the mermaids on this episode are designed and created by me as well. Each crown is a work of art in its own right and each pice has been made with a priceless amount of time and nothing but tender loving care goes into each crown and tail.
On top of being featured in the program, they also made me their official hawaii five o mermaid consultant.
So this means, when you reserve with Oahu Surfing Experience f or your mermaid photo shoots Oahu mermaid experience, you will know without doubt, that you consulted and made a booking with a real life mermaid and are about to commit to an adventure of a life time.
my hand maid tail on the set of hawaii five O
Hawaii Five-0 is an American action police procedural television series that premiered on Monday, September 20, 2010, on CBS. The series is a re-imagining of the original series , which aired on CBS from 1968 to 1980. Like the original series, the show follows an elite state police task force set up to fight major crimes in the state of Hawaii. The series is produced by K/O Paper Products and 101st Street Television, initially in association with CBS Productions , then CBS Television Studios since season three. [1] The show has had three crossovers with other crime shows and has received praise for its modern take on the original series.
Mermaid photo shoots Oahu and mermaid experience are the best with us