Summer training at Sandy Beach
Summer training at Sandy Beach was seriously not a joke. It might not have been straight up the biggest the Sandy’s shoreline has ever seen, but considering the back to back chain of sneaky little hurricane events that graced our waters, she on average harnessed an ocean energy that will not soon be reckoned with.
To be completely frank, I only know this information because of my intense fixation on Sandy’s that is based solely through social media. So this is what the CoCoNut wireless has been revealing to me. With all the beautiful and gnarly wave images that have been blowing up over the past few weeks, there has been stirring up a deep yearning inside, for me to get my but to that far cornered coast with the super-natural, power packed wave known as Sandy Beach. This brings me to my point in this topic of conversation.
I’ve always known Summer training at Sandy Beach is always a critical part in preparing for the transitioning of seasons. If you don’t do some sort of summer wave training, by the time the winter swells start barraging the Northshore , you’ll have put yourself in a bit of a pickle if you think you are just going to throw yourself into the deep end of the pool. Usually, I’m in top shape come this time of year. As circumstances had it, I was dealing with a medical issue pertaining to a stone in my salivary gland. This would keep me out of the heavy weight waves of Sandy’s for most of the duration of the summer.
Better late then never I always say. So now that my throat was healed, I figured it best time that I set myself on an adventure to go explore the other side of the rock. I’m always about killing two birds with one stone and … so in the process, on one hand, I get to dodge an onslaught of powerful, liquid explosions and work on precision timing and impeccable positioning. Swimming and surviving in the heavy water of Sandy Beach builds your stamina and cardio in the quickest of fashions. On the other hand, walking away from Sandy Beach with a dry camera and your water housing unflooded and in one piece, generally means you have a sim card loaded with at least some type of “GOLD”.
bodysurfing at Sandys
After two dawn patrols in a row, “The Early Bird Caught the Worm”! Here are the fruits of my labor and I think it’s fair to say, Ol Sandy delivered the GOODS!!! As usual, Summer training at Sandy Beach was well worth the adventure. For your viewing pleasure…. A Sandy Beach Photo Blog just for you!!! Compliments of the Team at Oahu Surfing Experience. ENJOY!!!
Sandys fun Summer training at Sandy Beach
Summer training at Sandy Beach
empty wave at Sandys
Summer training
shades of blue
Hawaii fun
things to do on oahu. Go see sandy beach
oahu fun
Summer training at Sandy Beach
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