Plumerias in Hawaii, although introduced, are really such a blessing to the island chain. One of the best features about this plant, other than the obvious (that wonderfully sweet aroma that emanates from the flowers pores), is the fact that Hawai`i’s tropical climate is perfect for cultivating such noble kind of flora such as the frangipani. Hawai`i is littered with clusters of this magnificent plant. It’s beauty radiates from the southern most Big Island all the way to the northern island of Kaua`i. You know instantly you’re in flower heaven when you stumble upon an orchard of plumerias. It’s absolute therapy to the nose and visual senses. Especially when you come across a field of cross breed trees that blend a combination of colors and schemes that boggle the eye and mind. When in bloom, the variations of flowers that the different breeds of trees can make, create a cornucopia of colors that will absolutely take your breath away. Bright beautiful colors everywhere. There you have it, that’s the blessings of Plumerias in Hawaii …
TAMATO says : “Once the honey bee vanishes from our earth, the humanoids will disappear shortly there after. Let’s each do our part to help keep ‘mother earth’ happy, healthy and viable for the future generations to come.” #photoby #tamayoperry #honeybee #endangered #preciouslife #beautiful #hawaii #plumeria #flowers #kokua #malamakaaina #alohaaina #motherearth #happyplace @oahusurfingexperience
If you would like to read more, below are some links that are a bit more in depth and formal for you to browse through. Definitely some interesting and informative reading and mahalo for staying tuned in to our blogs:)
Plumerias are tropical trees famous for their gorgeous flowers which are used to make leis (floral garlands). In regions with cold winters, plumerias can be grown in containers and brought indoors when the weather cools in autumn. Other common names are frangipani and Hawaiian lei flower.
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Plumeria (common name Frangipani) is a small genus of 7-8 species native to tropical and subtropical Americas. The genus consists of mainly deciduous shrubs and trees. From Mexico and Central America, Plumeria has spread to all tropical areas of the world, especially Hawaii, where it grows so abundantly that many people think that it is indigenous there.
See Plumerias in Hawaii one of the things to do on Oahu.
* Frangipanis can grow fairly easy from its own cuttings to form another plant.
* Frangipani flowers can be white, pink, yellow, cerise, or red in color, or can be multi-colored.
* many leis in Hawaii are made from this ever so fragrant flower.
* Frangipanis won’t burn, until the outdoor heat reaches extreme (over 500 degrees) temperatures.
* In Hawaii and modern Polynesian culture, the frangipani can be worn by women to indicate their relationship status – over the right ear if seeking a relationship, and over the left if taken.
* It possess poisonous, milky sap.
* Plumeria Seeds are one of the most sought after seeds in the world because their flowers are one of the most exotic and beautiful breeds in any garden.
* Plumerias are drought tolerant. They don’t like “wet roots”, so use well draining soil, such as cactus soil mixed with perlite.
* Flowers are most fragrant at night in order to lure sphinx moths to pollinate them.
* In Australia, this flower is known as frangipani
TAMATO says : “In this hectic life… sometimes you just gotta stop and smell those flowers.” #photoby #tamayoperry #springtime #plumeria #flowers #beautiful #nature #hawaii #hiking #live a #fun #life #learntosurf @oahusurfingexperience
* Plumerias are not indigenous to Hawaii. In fact, when we tried to research its origin, we kept getting conflicting information. From what we can gather, the overlapping consensus has it coming from certain Caribbean Islands and certain Caribbean bordering countries of South America.
click on this link to see how to grow plumerias
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