She was a dreamer. Believed in miracles and in love. Haunted by a distant thought, that is led by an uncontrollable yearning… a desire to unleash her creative mind and to set herself free. A wanting of a Mermaid Experience to transcend two worlds.
Day dreaming
She believed any thing was possible.
Mermaid fun soaking up the rays
She was willing to tap into a fantasy world where beautiful images are captured and remembered “ happily ever after ”. A moment frozen in time.
Mermaid Experience photoshoot on oahu
She lived in a far away land known as Hungry , where mermaids are enshrouded in folklore… where there, she dreamed of another world… a new adventure. She dreamt of strange lands and distant shores where everything was different. She felt like a new discovery… a new Experience.
Hungarian Princess Mermaid Experience
One day when she was day dreaming, down by the shore side. Soaking up the beautiful warmth of the suns rays. Thinking of how she had everything she needed; Except a prince charming to accept her for what she is. She was different.
Happily ever after Oahu Mermaid Experience
As she was laying at the waters edge under the shade of a coconut tree, deep in her thoughts, when suddenly a coconut fell, striking her in the head ! The Coco came out of nowhere. Knocked her clean out. As some time passed, she woke up, looking up into some handsome strangers beautiful, brown eyes.
The Oahu Mermaid Experience
Even though her head was pounding in agony. She couldn’t believe how mermazing this magnificent stranger was peering down at her and with such comforting care. Turns out the man was of all things a doctor, and he said he’d take care of her.
Day dreaming mermaid
As time flew by, their love grew for each other. So one day, being that the man was on vacation and in knowing that his trip was coming to an end, put on the sweet charm and he swooped her up and took her to back to his homeland of Japan and this is where they lived happily ever after, had many children and they grew old together.
hero doctor with his mermaid
To this day she hasn’t forgotten the Mermaid Experience that took place and on that day, a day that changed her life forever.
She found love
Here at Oahu Surfing Experience , we strive to make our Mermaid Experience Photo shoots as fun as you can possibly imagine. Set at evening time which is the perfect warm lighting to capture you in your most flattering moments. You can choose between a water shoot or a land photo shoot. The tails of art are custom made by hand and they take quite some time to make. Every tail is uniquely different, and hand made with tons of love.
Professional Mermaid photography. An experience of a life time
When you do participate in a Mermaid Experience photo shoot, you hands down will get the best memories that will last you for ever. So book today and become a mermaid in the water or on the land. Limited Avablility.
Mermaid life, cruising on the beach
Mermaid loving the beach shoreline
Mermaid love and her prince charming
mermaid tails of art. Professional Mermaid photography. An experience of a life time
We at OahuSurfingExperience teach the most quality surfing lessons that surfing has to offer. If your a lady or a little girl and surfing doesn’t necessarily captivate you; we also offer a unique and exclusive mermaid model shoot that will absolutely intrigue the ladies and as well, give them memories that will last a life time. Keep in mind however, we absolutely are surfers at heart. So if we are not running a surf lesson or conducting a mermaid photo shoot ,we more then likely will be out in the surf, tapping in to some valuable, “me time”. Because of this very reason, we strongly suggest that you book in advance with us, but it will be absolutely worth your commitment. Book now for your one of a kind opportunity and you will guaranteed walk away with skills and ocean safety knowledge that will last you a life time. Even when the waves are big we know of safe places to go. 808 497 7109 Email
Mermaids have it all. Peace
Mermaids have the best fun