The New year has just kicked off and most people have gone into full swing on their new years resolution. What’s yours?
Think about it, “resolution” means: A course of action determined or decided on.
surfing north shore oahu
Well my course of action is to surf more. Just the other day I played the lazy card and made up a bunch of excuses as to why I shouldn’t paddle out. The waves were pretty darn fun as well. However, I had decided to wait till the morning to surf. But behold, I woke up ready to surf all day and the waves were terrible. Thus bringing me to my new years resolution: if it looks half-way decent, it’s better to have a surf than think its going to be better tomorrow and wish you had surfed. The old bird-in-the-hand cliche comes to mind about now.
Sticking with your New Years resolution might be hard but actually, if you mentally prepare yourself, your goals can be accomplished.
Below are some mentally useful tips… as they wrote on Buzz feed
Be realistic with yourself when setting your resolutions.
Keep it simple.
Make specific and challenging goals, rather than broad or easy ones.
Start taking action toward your goals instead of spending too much time in your head.
Do it for you.
Create more mini-goals instead of bigger ones.
Use the buddy system
If your resolution failed last time… think about what went wrong. Then go ahead and try again, but fix parts that didn’t work.
Be your own biggest fan.
fun and fitness on the north shore
Let me inform you a little more about surfing New Years resolutions… Writer Ben Mondy puts it over so eloquently, in surfings best New Years resolutions
– Book that holiday with Oahu Surfing Experience
– Surf more
– Start doing airs (or something new that makes you uncomfortable)
– Do a free dive course.
– Give someone a wave.
– Expand your craft.
– Take an advanced surfing lesson with OSE and eliminate years of bad habits.
and after all is said and done, don’t forget to treat your self for sticking with those goals :^}
Just a friendly reminder… if you plan to make a day trip out to the north shore, don’t forget that you can get surf lessons or stand up paddle lessons … or, if surfing doesn’t interest you ladies, become a mermaid for a photo shoot, with Oahu Surfing Experience. Keep in mind; we know some great small wave spots that are away from the big waves, so you can remain calm and cool and feeling safe. (808) 497-7109
new years resolution is … surf more
We at OahuSurfingExperience teach the most quality surfing lessons that surfing has to offer. If your a lady or a little girl and surfing doesn’t necessarily captivate you; we also offer a unique and exclusive mermaid model shoot that will absolutely intrigue the ladies and as well, give them memories that will last a life time. Keep in mind however, we absolutely are surfers at heart. So if we are not running a surf lesson or conducting a mermaid photo shoot,we more then likely will be out in the surf, tapping in to some valuable, “me time”. Because of this very reason, we strongly suggest that you book in advance with us, but it will be absolutely worth your commitment. Book now for your one of a kind opportunity and you will guaranteed walk away with skills and ocean safety knowledge that will last you a life time. Even when the waves are big we know of safe places to go.
808 497 7109 Email
The post WHATS YOUR SURFING NEW YEARS RESOLUTION? appeared first on Oahu Surfing Experience.